Welcome to Divine Mercy Foundation: Empowering Lives, Building Hope!

Discover how we envision a world of hope, tolerance, and social justice, where everyone can live with dignity and security.

Our Vision

To “ensure holistic child development, care for the destitute, and sustainable livelihoods for a brighter future.”

Our Mission

To create proper mechanism for quality education, destitute care and sustainable livelihood for disadvantaged sections through various development programs through effective utilization of available resources in collaboration with community.

Our Strategy

Engage communities for insights into their needs, leverage resources effectively through partnerships and sustainable practices, tailor comprehensive programs for education and sustainable livelihoods, empower individuals and communities through capacity building, establish robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms, advocate for policy changes and systemic improvements, foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among stakeholders, and promote awareness and education on holistic development approaches.

Our Objectives

  • To promote Cooperative of various kinds.
  • To work for comprehensive development activities like Health and Sanitation, Child Education, Vocational and Skill trainings.
  • Coordinate with likeminded agencies.
  • To raise resources from Government, Development Organization National and International.
  • To empower Dalits and Tribals for their culture rights development
  • To devout the care for orphans, aged and the destitute.
  • To work for environmental and ecological protection.